Top GK questions everyone should know - V 5.5

 Top GK questions everyone should know - V 5.5

General Knowledge Questions Every Student Should Know

GK is an important aspect of a student’s life and though it is not always prescribed in the syllabus but forms an important foundation for an intellectual building. Some important GK  questions have been mentioned below. 

GK Questions will help you in participating in all competitive exams  conducted in school and Entrance Exams and in Quiz programs

81. Who was Margaret Thatcher?
Answer: Margaret Thatcher was a former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

82. United Nations (UN) day is celebrated on?
Answer: 24th October

83. In which season we wear warm clothes?
Answer: Winter

84. Which bird can not fly?
Answer: Ostrich

85. We should cross the road when the traffic light is?
Answer: Green

86. Place where animals and birds are kept?
Answer: Zoo

87. In which festival we play with colours?
Answer: Holi

88. Which fruit is known as the king of fruits?
Answer: Durian

89. Which jungle is the most dense in the world?
Answer: The Amazon is the densest jungle in the world.

90. The national song
Answer: Vande Mataram

91. The national bird is
Answer: Peacock

92. The national fruit is
Answer: Mango

93. National Education Day
Answer: 11 Nov.

94. Children’s Day
Answer: 14 Nov.

95. Teacher’s Day
Answer: 5 September

96. Which place is known as the tea garden of India
Answer: Assam

97. Which is the smallest bird ?
Answer: Humming Bird

98. Which is the largest ocean in the world ?
Answer: Pacific Ocean

99. Which is India’s largest fresh water lake?
Answer: Wular Lake

100. Which is the tallest waterfall in the world ?
Answer: Angel Falls

Wish you all the Best.

"ஒளியாய் ஒளிர்வோம்"

" Let's Shine like a Light "
