Top GK questions everyone should know - V 5.11

 Top GK questions everyone should know - V 5.11

General Knowledge Questions Every Student Should Know

GK is an important aspect of a student’s life and though it is not always prescribed in the syllabus but forms an important foundation for an intellectual building. Some important GK  questions have been mentioned below. 

GK Questions will help you in participating in all competitive exams  conducted in school and Entrance Exams and in Quiz programs

True or False GK Questions 

The Best thing about True or False Questions is there are 50% of chances to score a point even if you don’t know the right answer. Some of the primary GK Questions and answers in this format are as such

46. Caterpillars turn into butterflies.

Answer: True

47. Adults have a total of 34 teeth.

Answer: False

48. There are 30 days in May.

Answer: False

49. New York is the capital of America.

Answer: False

50. Cinderella’s carriage turns into a potato.

Answer: False

51. Half of 250 is 125.

Answer: True

52. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.

Answer: True

53. A jellyfish is 95% water.

Answer: True

54. Plants give us oxygen.

Answer: True

55. Bubble gum contains rubber.

Answer: True

56. 8 o’clock in the evening is written as 8 am.

Answer: False

57. Bacon was part of the first meal eaten on the Moon.

Answer: True

58. Spinach originally comes from Iran.

Answer: True

59. Watermelons are originally from Australia.

Answer: False (originally from West Africa)

60. Black Forest cake has the same colors as the traditional dress of the inhabitants of the Black Forest in Germany.

Answer: True

61. There are over 330 different dog breeds in the world.

Answer: True

62. Thunderstorms have particular sound frequencies that can hurt a dog’s ears.

Answer: True

63. Adult dogs and adult humans have the same number of teeth.

Answer: False

64. The deadliest earthquake of 2017 took place in Iran and Iraq.

Answer: True

65. Electrons are larger than molecules.

Answer: False

66. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. True or False?

Answer: True

67. Chameleon’s have extremely long tongues, sometimes as long as their bodies?

Answer: True

1. What does the “SIM” in the SIM card stand for?

Answer: Subscriber Identity Module

2. Which is the first element on the periodic table of elements?

Answer: Hydrogen

3. Which is the tallest waterfall in the world?

Answer: Angel Falls

Wish you all the Best.

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