List of all TIT-Stories

 List of all TIT-stories- (Click below the respective links to read the stories).


1.An Old Man Lived in the Village(1/10) , Short story for everyone.

2.The Wise Man (2/10), Short Moral story for everyone.

3.The Foolish Donkey (3/10), Short Moral story for everyone.

4.Having A Best Friend (4/10), Short Moral story for everyone.5.The Four Smart Students (5/10) Short story for everyone

6.The Greedy Lion (6/10) Short story for everyone

7.Two Friends & The Bear (7/10) Short story for everyone,

8.The Struggles of Our Life (8/10) Short story for everyone

9.The Fox & The Grapes (9/10) Short story for everyone,

10. The Lion & The Poor Slave (10/10) Short story for everyone

2. Puppies for Sale (Understanding) -- Super Short story for everyone, without fail please read this,

3. The Blind Girl (Change) -- Super Short story for everyone, without fail please read this,

4. Control Your Temper (Anger) --- Super Short story for everyone, without fail please read this

5. The Butterfly (Struggles) --- Super Short story for everyone, without fail please read this,

6. The Obstacle In Our Path (Opportunity) ---Super Short story for everyone, without fail please readthis,

7. A Pound of Butter (Honesty) --- Super Short story for everyone, without fail please read this

8. The Group of Frogs (Encouragement) ----Super Short story for everyone, without fail please read this,

9. Thinking Out of the Box (Creative Thinking)-- Super Short story for everyone, without fail please read this,

10. The Elephant Rope (Belief) --Super Short story for everyone, without fail please read this


Short Moral stories for all ages. 
( Video Both in Tamil and English )

* - " The wise man ".

(Story about Solution to all your problems - short simple and superb story which will be an eyeopener for all)

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