Traffic Signs & Road Safety Signs in India.

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Traffic Signs & Road Safety Signs in India.

We at TIT (Talents Infinite Talents )  have made an effort to create this article as this is much need of the hour as there are increasing vehicles on road and failing to follow traffic & safety signs by us results in traffic congestion and road accidents and inturn leads to minor or major injuries, or loss of valuable body parts or sometimes even life loss.

Must read article for all of us as we either drive, walk or travel on road in day-to-day life. So please read this article and other following articles related to this and convey this information to your children as they need to be aware of these road signs and safeguard themselves from potential hazards. Hence, it is the duty of the guardians to educate their kids about traffic signs.

Understanding each and every traffic sign is among the most important aspects for all road users. The traffic signs communicate the basic rules and regulations of the road through simple graphics that can be understood within seconds. Also, anyone who wishes to apply for a driving license first needs to learn all the traffic signs in order to pass the theoretical examination of driving. Here, in this article, we tell you in detail about road signs and their importance.

What we cover in this article:-

#     Types of Traffic Signs/Symbols for Indian Roads

            + Mandatory Signs

            + Cautionary Signs

            + Informatory Signs

#    Traffic Signs For Kids/Students

#    Functions of traffic signs

#    Importance of traffic signs in daily life

#    Traffic Police Hand Signals – Hand Signals by Policemen

#    Hand Signals by Drivers

#    Road Marking or Pavement Marking Signs 

#    Road Rage in India

#    FAQs

Types of Traffic Signs/Symbols for Indian Roads

In all, there are three kinds of road signs in India, which are as follows-

Mandatory Signs

As you can understand from the name, these are the road signs that need to be followed compulsorily, failing which, one might be issued a challan by the traffic cops. These signs are used to make sure that free movement of traffic isn’t hampered, while the road users are made aware of the specific laws, such as those of speed limits and no parking zones.

Cautionary Signs

These traffic signs are required to make road users realize potential dangers or safety hazards on the road. These signs are, in a way, used to caution the driver to take the necessary steps that make him or her ready to handle a situation.

Informatory Signs

These are a type of traffic that are used to tell the road users about information such as that on the destination, distances, fuel stations, nearby medical centre, public convenience, etc.

Traffic Signs For Kids/Students

Parents love their children more than anyone and anything else in the world and do all they can to keep their kids safe and secure. However, it’s not always possible to accompany one’s children everywhere and the safety of kids on road is a matter of great concern. While kids stay exposed to risks everywhere, it’s on the road that the danger is heightened. However, the authorities have seen to it that appropriate signs for the safety of children are put up at places like schools or playing zone. That said, children need to be aware of these road signs and safeguard themselves from potential hazards. Hence, it is the duty of the guardians to educate their kids about traffic signs. Given below are some traffic signs in India for kids that one should teach to his or her kids-

STOP Sign: This is the most easily recognizable sign. It is important for every kid to know that a Stop sign is put up at places where the driver needs to bring his vehicle to a halt. This allows the kids to pass through the road without any risk of an accident. The kids should know to cross a road only where Stop sign is put and only after the vehicles have come to a stop to let the children make their way through the road.

School Crossing Sign: As is self-explanatory, these signs are put where children cross the street right outside the school. These signs are used to communicate to the driver to come to a stop in case kids are about to cross a road. Also, children should make sure to pass through the street only where these signs are put up.

  • Slow- Children At Play Sign: Again, as is self-explanatory, this sign tells the driver to slow down and be alert of children that might end up on a street from the nearby play-zones. However, children should also be taught to be careful while playing. Parents should ask their kids to not play on the road as there is an increased risk of an accident on a public street

  • Seat Belt- Buckle Up Sign: Seat belts are compulsory for both driver and front passenger in a vehicle. However, children are at a much higher risk of getting hurt than adults and hence, it’s advisable for all kids to buckle up regardless of where they are sitting in a vehicle. Seat belt signs are usually installed along most roads and serve as an effective reminder to vehicle occupants to use seat belts.

Teaching your children about the above traffic signs can be seen as the first step towards making them responsible drivers when they grow up.

Functions of traffic signs

  • It is important for all drivers to know about the traffic signs or the road safety signs in order to ensure their safety of themselves as well as others. 

  • The basic functions of traffic signs include-

Inform road users of the distance left to cover to reach a destination,
Inform roads users of the alternative routes to a destination,
Caution road users of hazards near areas such as schools and colleges,
Inform road users of specific locations such as those of public convenience outlets, restaurants and hospitals

Importance of traffic signs in daily life

As per official data, almost 400 road accidents happen in India every day. Also, as per statistics shared by WHO, road mishaps cost almost 3% of the total gross domestic product of a country. Hence, road signs play an important role in the daily life of all road users.

  • For starters, road signs prevent mishaps from occurring on the road, thereby safeguarding vehicle users and pedestrians alike.
  • Traffic signs also ensure that road users follow basic rules, thereby reducing the chances of commitment of traffic offenses.
  • Traffic signs also help in easy navigation of the routes.

Every road users, be it a vehicle user or a pedestrian, should give utmost importance to road signs. As we said, it is important for all applicants of driving license to understand road signs and keeping them in mind can actually help one avoid mishaps.

Traffic Police Hand Signals – Hand Signals by Policemen

*To Start One-Sided Vehicles 

*To stop vehicles coming from front

*Stop vehicles approaching from behind 

*To stop vehicles coming simultaneously from front and behind 

*To stop vehicles approaching simultaneously from right and left

*To start vehicle approaching from left 

*To start vehicles coming from right 

*To change sign 

*To start one-sided vehicles  

*To start vehicles on T-Point 

*To give VIP salute  

*To manage vehicles on T-Point 

Hand Signals by Drivers

*Intend to move to the left or turn left 

*Intend to move to right or change lane to right 

*Intend to stop  

*I intend to slow down  

*Indicate the car following you to overtake 

Road Marking or Pavement Marking Signs

*Centre Line Marking For A Two Lane Road 

*Lane Line And Broken Centre Line  

*Centre Barrier Line Marking For A Four Lane Road  

*Centre Barrier Line Marking For A Six Lane Road  

*Double White/Yellow Lines: Where visibility is low in both directions, neither side of

vehicles are allowed to cross the line 

*Combination Of Solid And Broken Lines: One may cross the line but overtaking to be done only when it’s safe. Solid lines means crossing and overtaking is not allowed

*Stop line – Indicates where to stop when directed by cop or lights

*Give Way Line: Usually a double dotted line marked transversely at junctions.

*Border or Edge Lines.

*Parking Prohibited Lines  

*Yellow Box Junctions or Keep Clear: The vehicles should cross it only if a clear space is available ahead of the yellow box. Vehicles must not stop even briefly in marked area 

*Pedestrian Crossings 

 Road Rage in India

If you look into its literal meaning, the term ‘Road Rage’ refers to a violent incident caused on a street, especially by an aggressive driver. However, in layman’s terms, road rage is an unfortunate incident where an angry motorist injures or causes damage to another road-user. It’s common for the occurrence of road rage to be accompanied by the use of swear words or impolite behaviour. It is not uncommon to find road rage in most drivers as the congested streets of most Indian cities can easily irritate even the calmest. These incidents of violence can be seen in day-to-day life mostly in peak hours when many public roads remain grid-locked for hours. Also, at times, drunk driving becomes the reason for road rage. It has been observed that road rage involves following activities-

  • Speeding, Rash Driving and Aggressive Acceleration.
  • Tailgating.
  • Aggressive lane changes without use of indicators
  • Increasing speed to prevent a vehicle from overtaking
  • Consistently honking or flashing headlights
  • Rude gestures.
  • Usage of profanities
  • Purposefully hitting another person, vehicle or object with one’s own vehicle.
  • Hitting a person or vehicle with a weapon
  • Threatening to use a deadly weapon.

Road Rage is a huge menace all over the world. Many countries, including the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, England, New Zealand and Japan have repeatedly taken steps to curb the menace of this phenomenon. One of the best ways to avoid being a victim of road rage is to keep oneself away from any sort of provocation. Hence, one should avoid making eye contact with the offending driver and should not respond to his rude gestures. Also, one shouldn’t allow other drivers to get a sense of ‘competition’.


Q: What are traffic signs and symbols?             

A: Traffic signs and symbols are easy means of communication that let the road users remain aware of basic traffic laws, along with giving warnings and information about locations and nearby amenities.

Q: How many traffic signs are there?                 

A: While there are countless traffic signs, they have three basic categories – mandatory, cautionary, and informatory. However, they can also be sorted by colour and shape

Q: What shape is a warning sign?       

A: Warning signs are usually diamond-shaped

Q: What traffic signs are yellow?         

A: Yellow traffic signs are usually warning signs that stand for slowing down, driving with caution, or a general warning. It may be yellow, or yellow-green with black wording or symbols.

Q: What are the 3 types of road signs?             

A: Traffic signs are divided into three categories:  regulatory, warning, and guide signs.

Q: What is a yellow diamond sign?    

A: Yellow diamond signs are used for giving warnings to get alert, slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

Q: What does a white sign mean?      

A: White road signs are used to give directions on non-primary roads. White road signs can also be used in conjunction with warning road signs and regulatory order road signs. They are usually rectangular or square in shape.

Q: What signs are diamonds?                 

A: Diamond-shaped traffic signs warn drivers of upcoming road conditions and hazards.

Q: What does a black and yellow sign mean?   

A: These are Warning Signs with black lettering or symbols and most are diamond-shaped.

Q: What are the black and yellow symbols on road signs?         

A: Emergency Diversion Routes are signposted using black symbols on a yellow patch. There are four shapes — square, triangle, circle and diamond

Q: What is the no-overtaking sign?    

A: The no overtaking road sign is circular with a red border meaning that it is giving drivers an order. The no overtaking restriction ends when the lines in the road change from a continuous white line, to a broken line.

Q: What do blue road signs mean?   

A: Blue road signs provide road users with a wide range of information, depending on their shape and location.

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