Laungi Bhuiyan 'Canal Man'

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Laungi Bhuiyan

'Canal Man'

Bihar's famous 'Canal Man' has struck (the ground) again. In 2020, Laungi Bhuiyan finished building a 3-km-long canal that he had worked on single-handedly over the course of 30 long years. Its aim was to bring rainwater from nearby hills to the fields of his village, Kothilawa in Lahthua area of Gaya.

Good work never goes wasted. Upon learning about Laungi Bhuiyan and what he has done, Anand Mahindra, the chairman of Mahindra Group, has gifted him a tractor on 19 Septemeber, 2020.

It took me 30 years to dig this canal which takes the water to a pond in the village. For the last 30 years, I would go to the nearby jungle to tend my cattle and dig out the canal. No one joined me in this endeavor… Villagers are going to cities to earn a livelihood but I decided to stay back,” said Laungi 

The village named Kothilawa to which Laungi belongs is surrounded by dense forest and mountains and is situated about 80 km away from Gaya district headquarters. It is also marked as the hub of Maoists.

People in the area mainly depend on farming and animal husbandry for their livelihood. As it is a hilly region, there are temporary streams, and lots of water is also washed away from the mountains to the river. Bhuiyan was concerned about this. He used to think how this water could be utilized in his own village than be wasted away which is how he thought of digging the canal.

Speaking about Bhuiyan’s work, Patti Manjhi, a local said, “The canal will benefit a large number of animals and to irrigate the fields as well. He is not doing it for his own benefit but for the entire area.”

Likewise, Ram Vilas Singh, a teacher who resides in Gaya praised Bhuiyan for benefiting the villagers and their fields.

“A lot of people will benefit here. People are now getting to know him because of his work,” said Singh lauding Bhuiyan.

People are in awe of his work and dedication.

Hats off !!!! 

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S.A Sanjana
Talents Infinite Talents. ( TIT )
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