The real green paper


"The Real Green Paper" is going to be the Game Changer with most innovative and extensive project research giving multiple positive outcomes for the existing and future generations, must need to be implemented as it is not only benefit for Humans its for all the life forms in this world to make it more beautiful and wonderful world to make it evergreen existence forever in this universe.

Which includes 

* Environment consciousness for evergreen earth with zero pollution and climate safe factors, 

* Economic growth with higher Per Capita Income, 

* Self Sustainable, etc....

* Healthy, Happy and Peaceful living for all life forms in this wonderful planet Mother Earth.

I here with call all the world Leaders and implementers from all sections like Scientist, Ecologists, Economist, Policy makers and Implementers, Industrialist, Researchers, Students and Public for implementing this project at the earliest without any ego, bottlenecks and delays, as this is not the need only for today's generations, its for the future generations of all life forms as they have every right to live in this Mother Earth.

"Let us save our Mother earth and its life forms"

”எல்லா உயிர்களும் இன்புற்று வாழ்க” - "All living beings live happily"

"Even a small innovation or change with well planned and determined implementation, will give unbelievable results with multiple benefits" - S.A. Sanjana.

For Detailed project presentation please contact the Researcher  S.A. Sanjana..

Project Research done By

S.A. Sanjana. 

“Be the change you want to see Universally,”

About Researcher 👉
